Solving the problems of Polish agriculture requires an integrated approach and cooperation between the government, agricultural organisations and farmers themselves. Necessary actions are the introduction of price stabilisation, reduction of production costs, simplification of access to support, investment in adaptation to climate change and promotion of agriculture among young people. These are actions that take time.
A co z rolnikami, którzy tu i teraz są zagrożeni niewypłacalnością i grozi im widmo bankructwa?
For farmers at risk of insolvency, there are many options for action. The key, however, is to react quickly and seek professional support to help get through a difficult financial and legal situation. Taking steps early enough will prevent insolvency, enable. the continued operation of the farm and protect assets.
1. Consultation with a professional restructuring advisor
Profesjonalna pomoc jest niezbędna w analizie sytuacji finansowej i prawnej gospodarstwa. rolnego Doradca pomoże w zrozumieniu dostępnych opcji, takich jak restructuring długów, negocjacje z wierzycielami czy skorzystanie z ochrony prawnej przed wierzycielami.
2. Restructuring długów
One possible solution is to negotiate the terms of existing debts in order to obtain lower instalments, a longer repayment period or a temporary suspension of repayments. In some cases, it is also possible to obtain the cancellation of part of the debt.
4. development of a restructuring plan
Współpraca z doświadczonym restructuring advisor i wypracowanie planu restrukturyzacyjnego pozwolą na rozpoczęcie działań dla ochrony majątku i dorobku życia.
5. sale of unnecessary assets
Selling less profitable plots of land, machinery that is rarely used or other assets will be able to provide additional capital and focus on the more profitable aspects of the farm. Creating financial projections will show in which direction to take action
7. use of the restructuring procedure
Jeśli sytuacja jest szczególnie trudna, rolnicy powinni skorzystać z restrukturyzacji w ramach przepisów prawa. W Polsce istnieją procedury restrukturyzacyjne, które umożliwiają przedsiębiorcom, w tym rolnikom, restrukturyzację zobowiązań i uniknięcie upadłości. W szczególności warto wspomnieć o simplified restructuring, która jest ratunkiem dla rolników a odbywa się poza sądem. Korzystając z tego narzędzia żaden z wierzycieli nie może rozpocząć egzekucji, co już pozwala na rozpoczęcie działań i ochronę majątku.
8. negotiations with creditors as part of the restructuring procedure
Direct discussions with creditors in restructuring proceedings about the financial situation and repayment options can lead to a mutually beneficial agreement, such as a deferral of the repayment date or a partial write-off of the debt.
1. Price stabilisation mechanisms: Introduce price support schemes that could guarantee minimum purchase prices for key agricultural products. Such a system could help safeguard farmers' incomes against global price fluctuations.
2. Zmniejszenie kosztów produkcji: Subsidising the cost of fertilisers and plant protection products or offering tax relief on energy and fuel for farms. It is also possible to support the purchase of modern machinery and technologies that increase efficiency and reduce production costs.
3. simplify access to funds and support: Review and simplify application procedures for financial support from the European Union and other sources to facilitate farmers' access to the necessary funds.
4. investment in climate change adaptation: Funding for projects related to irrigation systems, protection against extreme weather events and the promotion of sustainable farming practices.
5. Promocja rolnictwa wśród młodych: Social and educational campaigns targeting young people, showing the modern face of agriculture, can encourage the younger generations to enter the sector. In addition, offering training, courses and scholarships to young farmers can support their development and innovation.
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PMR Restructuring S.A. @ 2024