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What are the benefits for the entrepreneur of entering into a simplified company restructuring process and why entrepreneurs fear it
Małgorzata Anisimowicz

   Dozens of restructuring proceedings carried out and many hours of deliberation with entrepreneurs have enabled PMR Restructuring S.A. to develop a list of benefits of entering the simplified restructuring process: 1. retaining control over the financial situation: Simplified restructuring allows a company to approach financial problems in a professional and courageous manner and maintain control over the situation. We stop 'burying our head in the sand'; 2. Avoiding bankruptcy: Effective restructuring is the solution to avoid formal bankruptcy of the company, which in turn minimises the negative effects on the company's owners, employees, counterparties as well as shareholders; 3. Negotiations with creditors: The restructuring process enables negotiations with creditors to find sustainable solutions, such as debt reduction and restructuring of repayment terms; 4. Preservation of shareholder value: Avoiding formal bankruptcy preserves shareholder value, demonstrating that we can face up to the problem. Crisis management requires boards/owners/representatives to take a broader view and make bold decisions; 5. Protecting jobs: Simplified restructuring affects the cost structure which helps to preserve jobs by reducing costs [...] (...)

28 May 2024
Re-arrangement proceedings part 1
Marta Zarówna

   The opening of restructuring proceedings is the first step on the way to regaining liquidity and avoiding bankruptcy, and the acceptance of the arrangement and its final approval is the moment when the Entrepreneur can finally breathe. Firstly, as a rule, as of that date, the maturity dates of debts covered by the arrangement are changed, as well as the manner of their repayment and often also the amount in connection with a partial waiver of liabilities. Secondly, in the case of legal persons, their representatives (Management Board) are released from liability for such liabilities. Thirdly, what is worth emphasising - the arrangement so adopted does not have to be a final construction, as the Act provides for the possibility of its later modification within the framework of an arrangement modification procedure. The arrangement designed in the proceedings is a projection of at least several years, the assumptions of which are made during the period of the proceedings, taking into account the possibilities and conditions that are known or foreseeable at that stage. Unfortunately, the last few years have shown how much and how quickly the political, economic and administrative environment can change [...] (...).

14 May 2024
Restructuring - a way for local government companies to get into trouble
Patrycja Otto

   The wave of insolvencies in the country is creeping up. In the first quarter of this year, 1,537 companies reported it, 31 per cent more than a year ago, according to Coface. The driving force, however, is not bankruptcies, but restructuring proceedings to prevent them. In Q1 2024, as many as 1,537 decided to do so, 33 per cent more than a year ago. So far, these have mainly been private companies. However, public companies, including local authorities, are starting to join the list. Pursuant to the decision of the District Court in Wałbrzych, 6th Commercial Division, of 29 June 2020, the first restructuring proceedings in the region were opened against Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Samochodowej w Kłodzku S.A.. After four years, the restructuring was successful. Last week, the court in Walbrzych approved the arrangement adopted at the creditors' meeting. According to experts, this is a breakthrough verdict, which may encourage other local government companies to take restructuring measures. Especially that many local government companies generate losses and their liquidity is poor. - [...] (...)

08 May 2024
What are the characteristics of good cooperation between an Entrepreneur and a Restructuring Advisor. How to choose a Restructuring Advisor? Do we wait until the Court appoints someone?
Małgorzata Anisimowicz

      There are many benefits to an entrepreneur working with a restructuring adviser, especially when a company is facing financial difficulties or wants to avoid potential problems in the future. Here are some of the key benefits: 1. professional analysis of the financial situation: The restructuring advisor analyses the company's finances, helping to identify the causes of the financial problems. This enables effective solutions to be implemented. If there is a threat of insolvency or a state of insolvency, the Adviser will make a recommendation on further action, including proposing the type of restructuring procedure appropriate to the current crisis situation; 2. Development of a restructuring plan: The Adviser will help develop a comprehensive restructuring plan, which may include debt restructuring, changes to the company's operational structure, cost optimisation and other recovery strategies. 3 Negotiation with creditors: A restructuring adviser can negotiate with creditors on behalf of the business, seeking more favourable debt repayment terms, which can be key to improving liquidity. 4 Preventing bankruptcy: Early application of restructuring measures can prevent a company from going bankrupt. The adviser will help implement strategies that will enable the company [...] (...)

23 April 2024
Record number of consumer insolvencies in 2023, will 2024 bring change?
Daniel Anisimowicz

   The year 2023 brought with it extraordinary challenges for economies around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on many sectors and industries, leading to a record number of consumer insolvencies. In this article, we will present PMR Restructuring law firm's predictions for the near future and look at the causes of this phenomenon and the impact of the record number of consumer insolvencies in 2023. Consumer insolvencies in numbers In 2020, the number of consumer insolvencies was relatively low at the beginning of the year, but noticeably, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economy and caused huge changes. Restrictions and lockdowns have led to the closure of many businesses, layoffs and loss of income for many people. As a result, the number of consumer insolvencies in Poland started to increase to eventually reach an unprecedented 13,084 consumer insolvencies and a record growth rate for 2019 i.e., 65%. In 2021, the number of consumer insolvencies is still at a high level, but we observe a decrease in the growth dynamics from [...] (...)

11 April 2024
Entrepreneurs increasingly aware of restructuring solutions - 2023 summary.
Marta Zarówna

   The past year has brought further record figures for new restructuring proceedings. According to data from the Central Economic Information Centre, in 2023. as many as 4244 restructuring proceedings were opened, while in the previous year, 2379 proceedings were initiated, which represents a year-on-year increase of 78%. It should be recalled that in the first year of the implementation of the legislation - 2016 - 212 proceedings were opened under the provisions of the Restructuring Law, while in the period from 2017 to 2019 the number of new proceedings was in the range of 348 to 465 per year. The following years brought the first significant increases, which were in close correlation with the occurrence of negative phenomena caused by the Sars Cov-2 virus pandemic. The year of the pandemic outbreak brought a new solution in the form of simplified restructuring proceedings, which was introduced by the Act of 19 June 2020. on interest subsidies for bank loans granted to entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19 and on simplified proceedings for the approval of an arrangement in connection with the outbreak of COVID-19, and enabled almost immediate coverage of [...] (...)

03 April 2024
What are the benefits for the entrepreneur of entering into a simplified company restructuring process and why entrepreneurs fear it
Małgorzata Anisimowicz

   Dziesiątki przeprowadzonych postępowań restrukturyzacyjnym, wielogodzinne rozważania z przedsiębiorcami. 1. Zachowanie kontroli nad sytuacją finansową: Uproszczona restrukturyzacja pozwala firmie na profesjonalne i odważne podejście do problemów finansowych i zachowanie kontroli nad sytuacją. Przestajemy „chować głowę w piasek”; 2. Uniknięcie bankructwa: Skuteczna restrukturyzacja to rozwiązanie, aby uniknąć formalnego bankructwa firmy, co z kolei minimalizuje negatywne skutki dla właścicieli, pracowników, kontrahentów firmy jak i udziałowców/akcjonariuszy; 3. Negocjacje z wierzycielami: Proces restrukturyzacyjny umożliwia negocjacje z wierzycielami w celu znalezienia zrównoważonych rozwiązań, takich jak zmniejszenie zadłużenia i restrukturyzacja terminów spłaty; 4. Zachowanie wartości dla akcjonariuszy: Uniknięcie formalnego bankructwa pozwala na zachowanie wartości dla udziałowców, akcjonariuszy, co pokazuje, iż potrafimy zmierzyć się z problemem. Zarządzanie w sytuacji kryzysowej wymaga od zarządów/właścicieli/ reprezentantów szerszego spojrzenia i odważnych decyzji; 5. Ochrona miejsc pracy: Uproszczona restrukturyzacja wpływa na strukturę kosztów co pomaga w utrzymaniu miejsc pracy poprzez zmniejszenie kosztów operacyjnych i poprawę efektywności. 6. Przyspieszenie procesu restrukturyzacyjnego: Uproszczenie procesu […] (...)

20 March 2024
Can companies afford bankruptcy?
Małgorzata Anisimowicz

   Czy firmy stać na upadłość? Upadłość tylko dla firm z majątkiem! Co zrobić, kiedy oddalono wniosek o ogłoszenie upadłości firmy? 😧 Rok 2023 pokazał, że upadłość firmy nie jest dla każdego. Ilość oddalonych wniosków o ogłoszenie upadłości jest wręcz przerażająca: 👉 „Cztery plagi polskiego biznesu” czyli pandemia, Polski Ład, wojna w Ukrainie oraz lawina wzrostu kosztów sprawiły, że sytuacja małych i jednoosobowych firm jest bardzo trudna. W większości podmiotów utrzymują się negatywne oceny koniunktury, a przedsiębiorcy skłaniają się ku pesymistycznym prognozom 📉 👉Z badania przeprowadzonego przez Dziennik Gazeta Prawna wynika, że jako źródło największych problemów ponad dwie trzecie mikro i jednoosobowych przedsiębiorstw wskazało niepewność ogólnej sytuacji gospodarczej. Ponad połowa narzeka na koszty zatrudnienia, wysokie obciążenia na rzecz budżetu państwa a także niejasne, niespójne i niestabilne przepisy prawne. 👉W efekcie coraz więcej przedsiębiorców decyduje się zawiesić działalność. Raport DGP pokazuje, że obecnie mamy rekordową liczbę i rekordowy w dziejach odsetek firm […] (...)

19 February 2024
What's next for the transport industry? Is 2024 the end of the industry crisis?
Małgorzata Anisimowicz

   2023 was a year of crisis for the transport industry. The economic cooling caused companies to make losses ❗a number of companies had to use restructuring proceedings to stay afloat The year 2024 shows many changes both legally and financially for the transport industry. How will they cope. With these changes small companies, of which there are many in the industry The year 2023 proved to be a difficult year for many transport companies, a year "under the bar" and for many even bankruptcy. According to data from the Central Economic Information Centre, 208 companies, including seven from the road freight transport industry, went bankrupt in the first half of 2023 - the same number as in the whole of 2022. The statistics show that the scale of bankruptcies and restructuring in 2023 was enormous. Is 2024 the end of this trend? In our opinion, unfortunately not. The transport industry is still trapped and waiting for help. Restructuring proceedings are a response to the expectations of entrepreneurs, but not always and not [...] (...)

20 January 2024
Record of company closures and suspensions
Małgorzata Anisimowicz

   W 2023 r. z polskiego rynku zniknęła najwyższa w historii liczba firm – aż 220 tysięcy. Zawieszonych działalności było ponad 327 tys. Te liczby krzyczą !!! Przedsiębiorcy nie mogą udźwignąć bieżących kosztów w firmie. Spada rentowność – Chrońmy Przedsiębiorców Ponad połowa firm w 2023 roku dała podwyżki inflacyjne swoim pracownikom kosztem obsługi bieżących wymagalnych zobowiązań💰 📈. Jak to wygląda w 2024 roku? Inflacja spada, co na to pracownicy? POMAGAMY PRZEDSIEBIORCOM PRZETRWAĆ TEN TRUDNY OKRES. Inflacja sprawiła, że bez podwyżek pensji stać nas było na coraz mniej. Z badania Polskiego Instytutu Ekonomicznego w 2023 roku wynikało, że 52 proc. firm jednorazowo dało podwyżki pracownikom, a 48 proc. podnosiło je adekwatnie do wzrostu inflacji. Natomiast 30 proc. przedsiębiorców oferuje pracownikom dodatkowy dochód w formie płatnych nadgodzin 🧑‍💼 Czy 2024 będzie lżejszy dla Przedsiębiorców. NIC BARDZIEJ MYLNEGO. 👉 8 podwyżek, które czekają Polaków w 2024 roku Więcej na ten temat można przeczytać w […] (...)

10 January 2024

PMR in the media

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