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PMR in the media: 1716

Rapid repair an opportunity for companies

Companies that are quick to introduce recovery plans dramatically increase their chances of surviving the coming recession.
In the face of a prolonged pandemic, more and more companies are facing the spectre of bankruptcy, and more industries are joining the messages about the dramatic situation. In order not to become insolvent, thousands of Polish companies will have to resort to remedial tools such as restructuring operating under the restructuring law.

The restructuring law provides for a number of solutions that companies can use to protect liquidity and safeguard key assets in the face of distress. The opening of a restructuring proposal allows, among other things, for the freezing of liabilities or their significant write-off by approving an arrangement with creditors, protecting key contracts and withdrawing from contracts toxic to the company. It also opens up the possibility of stopping enforcement, protects against aggressive debt collection or protects directors from personal liability.

– Lista istotnych ułatwień, niezbędnych do ochrony przedsiębiorstwa, które dostarcza firmom restrukturyzacja, jest znacznie dłuższa. Docelowo każde z nich ma prowadzić do tego, co dla biznesu najważniejsze – ochrony miejsc pracy i oddalenia widma upadłości firmy – wyjaśnia Małgorzata Anisimowicz, prezes zarządu PMR Restrukturyzacje SA.

However, a successful restructuring procedure is one that has been implemented in a timely manner.

– Rola doradców polega na wypracowaniu i wdrożeniu dostosowanych do potrzeb firmy rozwiązań, które wspomogą proces ratowania przedsiębiorstwa i stworzą warunki pozwalające na powrót do stabilizacji.
Przygotowany scenariusz działań pozwoli na wsparcie i wdrożenie w przedsiębiorstwie gotowych rozwiązań w celu ustabilizowania sytuacji firmy na rynku, dla zawarcia porozumienia z wierzycielami, co z kolei pozwoli jej nie tylko przetrwać w czasie kryzysu, ale wręcz otworzyć się na nowo, z szeroką perspektywą na kolejne okresy – tłumaczy Małgorzata Anisimowicz.

However, judges are meeting the needs of business and, as far as possible, reducing the wait for a decision to a minimum.
All restructuring cases are ranked among the most urgent ones and decisions are issued as quickly as possible. As a result, entrepreneurs instantly gain practical tools to protect their interests and often their life's work,' says Małgorzata Anisimowicz.

The article appeared in the daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita:28 April 2020. We invite you to read the full version:" Rapid repair an opportunity for companies

PMR in the media

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